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Greenwood Gold Resources (GGRI) announces details of exploration program for Summer property

Posted by :: Planet Penny Stocks on Jun 30, 2011

Greenwood Gold Resources Inc. (GGRI) recently announced preliminary plans for preparation of the Summer Property exploration work program, which would fulfill the requirement for undertaking a $350,000 work program on the Summer Property, according to the terms of the Company’s option agreement, according to a June 30 press release.

The proposed work program will include geological mapping, geochemical surveying, geophysical surveying, prospecting, trenching and drilling on the property, located in British Columbia, Canada in the prolific Quesnel Trough area.

The press release stated that various parts of the Properties have been explored by a number of companies in the 1980s and 1990s. Royal Canadian Ventures explored the ground from 1968 to 1971, and Guichon Explorco conducted geochemical and geophysical surveys from 1982-1983. In 1994 GWR Resources staked the ground and conducted geological mapping, soil sampling, a ground IP and magnetic survey, and a 12-hole 1,549 meter diamond drill program.

GGRI is focused on acquiring, developing and joint venturing with other junior or major gold mining companies with properties within North America.

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